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User Login Flow

User Login Flow

The following diagram illustrates the user login flow in our application:

user login.

The user login process involves the following steps:

  1. The User enters the passphrase in the extension and sends message to background service to initiate authentication.
  2. The Background Service initiates the WASM module.
  3. The WASM Service returns after initialization.
  4. The Background Service sends the passphrase and encrypted keys to the WASM Service(stored in local storage).
  5. The WASM Service decrypts the key pairs.
  6. The WASM Service saves the decrypted keys in the global context(in memory).
  7. The WASM Service returns success if the decryption is successful.
  8. The Background Service requests a challenge for the public key from the Server.
  9. The Server returns the challenge.
  10. The Background Service requests the WASM Service to sign the challenge.
  11. The WASM Service signs the challenge using the decrypted private key.
  12. The WASM Service returns the signed challenge to the Background Service.
  13. The Background Service sends the signed challenge and public key to the Server.
  14. The Server verifies the signature.
  15. The Server returns a JWT token to the Background Service.
  16. The Background Service informs the User of successful login and stores the JWT token.

For more details on each step, refer to the sequence diagram above.