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User Registration in Osvauld

In Osvauld, user registration is initiated by the admin and completed by the user through the web extension. Follow the steps below to register a new user:

Admin Steps

  1. Log in to the Osvauld extension, open the dashboard and navigate to the “All Users” tab in the “Groups” section.

  2. Click on the “Add User” button to create a new user.

  3. Provide the following information for the new user:

    • Username
    • Name
  4. The system will automatically generate a password for the user.

  5. Username, generated password and baseurl will be automatically copied to the clipboard and share it with the user through a secure channel.

Note: The system-generated password is a one-time use password, which is only valid for registration. After the registration is complete, the password has no other use.

User Registration Flow

The following diagram illustrates the user registration sequence in our application

user registration.

User Steps

  1. Download and install the Osvauld web extension in your browser.

  2. Open the extension and enter the base URL (the URL where the backend instance is hosted) without the trailing slash. For example, if the backend is hosted at, enter

  3. Enter the username and the system-generated password provided by the admin.

  4. The extension will send the credentials to the backend for validation.

  5. If the login is verified, the backend will send a challenge string in response.

  6. After the login is verified, the user is prompted to set a passphrase.

  7. Once the passphrase is validated, the client service sends a request to the background service to generate a key pair (both encryption and signing keys) and encrypt the key pair using the passphrase through the WASM module.

  8. The WASM module returns the encrypted private keys and public keys, which are stored in the local storage.

  9. A request is sent to the WASM module to sign the challenge using the passphrase-encrypted sign private key, passphrase, and challenge. The WASM module returns the signed challenge.

  10. The final registration is completed by sending the signed challenge, encryption public key, and sign public key to the backend, after verification of the challenge, they are stored.

  11. The user is then redirected to the login page.

That’s it! The user registration process is now complete. The user can log in to Osvauld using their passphrase and access the application.

If you encounter any issues or have further questions, contact us on discord.