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Docker installation

Docker Setup

Important: Osvauld requires a PostgreSQL instance running.


  • Basic knowledge of Docker
  • Have Docker installed on your system. If not, follow the installation guide here.

Pull Image

To pull the Osvauld backend image, run the following command:

Terminal window
docker pull osvauld/backend:latest

If desired, you may replace the latest tag with an alternative Docker image tag of your choosing. For older versions, please refer to this link here

Start Instance

To start the Osvauld backend instance, use the following command:

Terminal window
docker run --name osvauld_backend \
-d \
-p 80:8000 \
-p 443:8000 \
-e MASTER_DB_HOST=<db_host> \
-e MASTER_DB_NAME=<db_name> \
-e MASTER_DB_USER=<db_user> \
-e MASTER_DB_PASSWORD=<db_password> \
-e AUTH_SECRET=<auth_secret> \

Replace the following placeholders with your actual values:

  • db_host>: The hostname or IP address of your PostgreSQL instance.
  • db_name: The name of the database to use.
  • db_user: The username for accessing the database.
  • db_password: The password for the specified user.
  • db_port: The port number on which the PostgreSQL instance is running.
  • auth_secret: The secret for generating tokens. Should have a minimum length of 32 characters.
  • version: The docker image tag for the image that was pulled.

The backend will start and listen on port 80. Make sure to configure the appropriate environment variables for connecting to your PostgreSQL instance.

All configuration for osvauld can be found at here

Setup admin user

Once the backend server is up and running you will need to setup an admin user.
Follow the setting up osvauld guide for finishing you setup